

The next event coming up at the Hall is the annual Bosbury Wassail which is on Saturday 11th January gathering at 5:30pm. You can book tickets at

Regular Events at the Hall


You local film theatre is Bosbury Flicks in the Sticks which shows monthly films on our big screen to a restricted audience. We have links with the popular Borderlines Film Festival. To get on the mailing list for advance notice of future shows contact pennyburrow(at symbol)

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The Pilates group at the Parish Hall is holding it’s weekly class on a Monday morning.

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The Post Office sets up in the foyer of the Parish Hall every Tuesday from 3pm to 4.45pm.

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The Bosbury Scouts hold regular weekly meetings of the Beavers and Cubs in term time.

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Bosbury WI meets monthly at the Hall on the second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm and always welcomes visitors and new members. Meetings are usually advertised on the notice board at the front of the Hall by the roadside.

If you are enquiring about Hall events or are interested in any of the activity groups, you can get more information by calling the Hall Booking Secretary on 01531-640828. Event dates are usually given in the parish newsletter on the Bosbury Church website.